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"SWNA - Creating Community in Our Neck of The Woods"

About Dr. Edward Sparrow Snow

Located in Dearborn, Michigan, the Snow Woods neighborhood is approximately 1.5 square miles and home to over 2,600 residential properties, as well as small, independent businesses, several public schools, and a few places of worship. The name, “Snow” is derived from Dr. Edward
Sparrow Snow (July 5, 1820 - July 18, 1892), a prominent physician in Wayne County who settled in Dearborn in 1849. He became Acting Assistant surgeon at the Detroit Arsenal there, where he served for a year. In 1852, he was reinstated by Jefferson Davis (who was then Secretary of War) and served until the closure of the Arsenal in the mid-1870's. During the Civil war he cared for families of volunteers without compensation.

Dr. Snow was a founding member of the first and second Wayne County Medical societies, the first Detroit Medical society, and the Michigan Medical Society, as well as a member of the American Medical Association. He was a careful businessman and managed to amass a large fortune.

Dr. Snow died in 1892. His former homestead (now Snow Hill Condominiums) was located at the end of Snow Road and a lush and densely wooded area surrounded some of his property. A fairly large portion of this lush area exists today and is sandwiched in-between Rotunda Drive and Culver Street along Snow Road. Today, it is called, “Snow Woods” and the land itself where the woods are located is owned by Ford Motor Company.